Student Council
The Student Council represents the students of IULM University and has tasks of coordinating student representation and enhancing student participation in the democratic life of the University.
The centrality of the student is for IULM University not a slogan but a value that embraces and involves all its activities. Already today, students actively participate in the governance of the University, including with their own representative in both the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors, as well as in all the University's additional governance and control bodies. For this reason, the University has promoted the establishment of the Student Council, an advisory body of student representation that allows for a broad representation of different ideas and perspectives, with the ambitious goal of realizing in Italy a first example of a student Advisory Board, in the certainty that this will allow for a more timely interception not only of problems but also of new opportunities about which a University needs to be constantly stimulated.
The Student Council receives and gives voice to the requests coming from students and their representatives, in order to foster the participation of the student component in the democratic life of the University.the Student Council has advisory and propositional functions towards the bodies of the University in matters within its competence, in order to ensure equal opportunities and equal treatment for all students of the Free University of Languages and Communication IULM, as well as to ensure the participation of students in the life of the University and the continuity of the offices of student representatives.
The Student Council is composed of
- by the student representative elected to the Board of Directors, acting as the student representative for the Right to Study in relations with the Lombardy Region;
- by the student representative elected to the Academic Senate;
- by the student representatives elected to Faculty Councils;
- by the student representative elected in the Evaluation Core;
- by the student representative elected in the Quality Presidium.
The term of office of the Student Council is two years and coincides with the term of election
Download the Rectoral Decree and Regulations of the Student Council here